ICB Supported Publications

Displaying 421 - 440 of 1166

Jia Niu, Zachariah A. Page, Neil D. Dolinski, Athina Anastasaki, Andy T. Hsueh, H. Tom Soh and Craig J. Hawker
ACS Macro Letters,
Susanna Seppäläa, St. Elmo Wilken, Doriv Knopa, Kevin V. Solomo and Michelle O’Malley
Metabolic Engineering,
Pressman, A., Moretti, J.E., Campbell, G.W., Muller, U.F. and Chen, I.A.
Nucleic Acids Research ,
Jeffrey R. Peters, Sean J. Wang, Amit Surana and Francesco Bullo
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control,
Tracy T Chuong, Alessia Pallaoro, Chelsea A. Chaves, Zhe Li, Joun Lee, Michael Eisenstein, Galen D. Stucky, Martin Moskovits and H. Tom Soh
Sean P. Gilmore, John K. Henske, Jessica A. Sexton, Kevin V. Solomon, Susanna Seppälä, Justin I Yoo, Lauren M. Huyett, Abe Pressman, James Z. Cogan, Veronika Kivenson, Xuefeng Peng, YerPeng Tan, David L. Valentine and Michelle O’Malley
BMC Genomics,
Melnyk, A., Junk, M.J.N., Kremer, K., McCulloch, I., McGehee, M.D., Chmelka, B.F., Hansen, M.R. and Andrienko, D.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,
Brian Drawert, Marc Griesemer, Linda R. Petzold and Cheryl J. Briggs
Journal of the Royal Society Interface,
Li, H., Dauphin-Ducharme, P., Ortega, G. and Plaxco, K.W.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
Pynn, C.D., Chan, L., Lora Gonzalez, F., Berry, A., Hwang, D., Wu, H., Margalith, T., Morse, D.E., Denbaars, S.P. and Gordon, M.J.
Optics Express,
Lukas J. Volz, B. Locke Welborna, Matthias S. Gobela, Michael S. Gazzanigaa and Scott T. Grafton
Eunyong Seo, Sang-Ho Lee, Sangho Lee, Soo-Hyung Choi, Craig J. Hawker and Byeong-Su Kim
Polymer Chemistry,
Matthew T. Klug, Noeḿie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne, Yoonkyung E. Lee, Dong Soo Yun, Jifa Qi, Nimrod C. Heldman, Paula T. Hammond, Nicholas X. Fang, and Angela M. Belcher
Chemistry of Materials,
Brian Drawert, Nimish Thakore, Brian Mitchell, Erik Pioro, John Ravits, Linda R. Petzold
AIP Conference Proceedings,
Lalli, D., Idso, M.N., Andreas, L.B., Baxter, N., Han, S., Chmelka, B.F. and Pintacuda, G.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
Jiangtao Xu, Changkui Fu, Sivaprakash Shanmugam, Craig J. Hawker, Graeme Moad and Cyrille Boyer
Angewandte Chemie,
Li, H., Dauphin-Ducharme, P., Arroyo-Currás, N., Tran, C., Vieira, P.A., Li, S., Shin, C., Somerson, J., Kippin, T.E. and Plaxco, K.W.
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition,
Kirchhofer, N.D., McCuskey, S.R., Mai, C.K. and Bazan, G.C.
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition,