Barry Giesbrecht Profile Image

Barry Giesbrecht

ICB Co-Director
ICB Cognitive Neuroscience Co-Leader
Professor and Vice-Chair
Psychological & Brain Sciences
UC Santa Barbara

Research Focus Areas

Displaying 1 - 20 of 46

ICB Supported Publications

Jordan Garrett, Carly Chak, Tom Bullock, & Barry Giesbrecht
Communications Psychology,
Radhakrishnan H, Chenying Zhao C, Sydnor VJ, Baller EB, Cook PA, Fair D, Giesbrecht B, Larsen B, Murtha K, Roalf DR, Rush-Goebel S, Shinohara R, Shou H, Tisdall MD, Vettel J, Grafton S, Cieslak M, Satterthwaite T. A
Human Brain Mapping,
Apurv Varshney, Mitchell Munns, Justin Kasowski, Mantong (mable) zhou, Chuanxiuyue He, Scott Grafton, Barry Giesbrecht, Mary Hegarty, and Michael Beyeler
Scientific Reports,
Alexander P. Boone, Tom Bullock, Mary H. MacLean, Tyler Santander, Jamie Raymer, Alexander Stuber, Liann Jimmons, Gold N. Okafor, Scott T. Grafton, Michael B. Miller, Barry Giesbrecht and Mary Hegarty
Spatial Cognition & Computation,
Alexandra Stump, Caitlin Gregory, Viktoriya Babenko, Elizabeth Rizor, Tom Bullock, Alan Macy, Barry Giesbrecht, Scott T. Grafton, Neil M. Dundon
Apurv Varshney; Mitch Munns; Justin Kasowski; Mantong Zhou; Chuanxiuyue He; Scott Grafton; Barry Giesbrecht; Mary Hegarty; Michael Beyeler
Journal of Vision,
Radha Kumaran, You-Jin Kim, Anne E Milner, Tom Bullock ,Barry Giesbrecht, Tobias Höllerer
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
Tom Bullock, Kamryn Pickett, Anabel Salimian, Caitlin Gregory, Mary H. MacLean, and Barry Giesbrecht
Journal of Neurophysiology,
Bullock T, MacLean MH, Santander T, Boone AP, Babenko V, Dundon NM, Stuber A, Jimmons L, Raymer J, Okafor GN, Miller MB, Giesbrecht B and Grafton ST
Frontiers in Physiology,
Milner, A., MacLean, M., and Giesbrecht, B
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
Tom Bullock, Barry Giesbrecht, Andrew E. Beaudin, Bradley G. Goodyear, Marc J. Poulin
Physiological Reports,
Erin G Teich1, Matthew Cieslak, Barry Giesbrecht, Jean M Vettel, Scott T Grafton, Theodore D Satterthwaite and Danielle S Bassett
New Journal of Physics,
Matthew Cieslak, Philip A. Cook, Xiaosong He, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Thijs Dhollander, Azeez Adebimpe, Geoffrey K. Aguirre, Danielle S. Bassett, Richard F. Betzel, Josiane Bourque, Laura M. Cabral, Christos Davatzikos, John Detre, Eric Earl, Mark A. Elliott, Shreyas Fadnavis, Damien A. Fair, Will Foran, Panagiotis Fotiadis, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Barry Giesbrecht, Ruben C. Gur, Raquel E. Gur, Max Kelz, Anisha Keshavan, Bart S. Larsen, Beatriz Luna, Allyson P. Mackey, Michael Milham, Desmond J. Oathes, Anders Perrone, Adam R. Pines, David R. Roalf, Adam Richie-Halford, Ariel Rokem, Valerie J. Sydnor, Tinashe M. Tapera, Ursula A. Tooley, Jean M. Vettel, Jason D. Yeatman, Scott T. Grafton, Theodore D. Satterthwaite
Nature Methods,
Lauren E. Welbourne, Aditya Jonnalagadda, Barry Giesbrecht and Miguel P. Eckstein
Communications Biology,
Jordan Garrett, Tom Bullock, Barry Giesbrecht
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Meghdadi, A.H., Giesbrecht, B. & Eckstein, M.P.
Experimental Brain Research,
Satish Kumar, A. S. M. Iftekhar, Michael Goebel, Tom Bullock, Mary H. MacLean, Michael B. Miller, Tyler Santander, Barry Giesbrecht, Scott T. Grafton, B. S. Manjunath
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision,
Pun, M, Guadagni, V., Drogos, L. L., Pon, C., Hartmann, S. E., Furian, M., Lichtblau, M., Muralt, L., Bader, P. R., Moraga, F. A., Soza, D., Lopez, I., Rawling, J. W., Ulrich, S., Bloch, K.E., Giesbrecht, B., Poulin, M. J.
High Altitude Medicine & Biology,
Anne E Milner, Mary H MacLean, Barry Giesbrecht
Journal of Vision,