The ICB Announces Leadership Transition

June 30, 2020
Barry Giesbrecht

New ICB Co-Director, Professor Barry Giesbrecht

After 10 years of skillfully co-directing the Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, Scott Grafton, distinguished professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences and the Bedrosian Coyne presidential chair in Neuroscience at UCSB, has decided to step down from his position as the ICB Co-Director. 

Grafton, who has been with the ICB since its inception will continue as a project leader and co-leader for the ICB research focus area—Cognitive Neuroscience.

Professor Grafton is currently the director of the UCSB Brain Imaging Center and recently published a book Physical Intelligence: The Science of How the Body and the Mind Guide Each Other Through Life.

“We are grateful for Scott's administrative and scientific leadership,” says ICB Co-Director Brad Chmelka.

The ICB is pleased to announce that Professor Barry Giesbrecht, who has served as ICB Cognitive Neuroscience co-leader with Professor Grafton for the last 5 years and is also from UCSB's Psychological and Brain Sciences, has been appointed to succeed Grafton as new ICB co-director.

Professor Giesbrecht has been leading ICB research projects for over a dozen years and is a renowned scholar with more than 20 years of experience in the field of human cognition.

For more information about Professor Giesbrecht's research, visit his UCSB Attention Lab.
