ICB Supported Publications

Displaying 481 - 500 of 1166

Niu, J., Lunn, D.J., Pusuluri, A., Yoo, J.I., O'Malley, M.A., Mitragotri, S., Soh, H.T. and Hawker, C.J.
Nature Chemistry,
Bardhan, N.M., Kumar, P.V., Li, Z., Ploegh, H.L., Grossman, J.C., Belcher, A.M. and Chen, G.Y.
ACS Nano,
Chan, L., Goshal, A., DeCuir, E.A., Chen, Y.P., Morse, D.E. and Gordon, M.J.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B,
Jung, S.M., Qi, J., Oh, D., Belcher, A. and Kong, J.
Advanced Functional Materials,
Shi Gu, Richard F. Betzel, Marcelo G. Mattar, Matthew Cieslak, Philip R. Deliod, Scott T. Grafton, Fabio Pasqualetti and Danielle S. Bassett
Ari E. Kahn, Marcelo G. Mattar, Jean M. Vettel, Nicholas F. Wymbs, Scott T. Grafton and Danielle S. Bassett
Cerebral Cortex,
Cermak, N., Becker, J.W., Knudsen, S.M., Chisholm, S.W., Manalis, S.M., and Polz, M.F.
International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal,
Faye Yi Fong, Seung Soo and H. Tom Soh
Angewandte Chemie,
Seppala, S., Solomon, K.V., Gilmore, S.P., Henske, J.K. and O’Malley, M.A.
Microbial Cell Factories,
Lee, J., McGrath, A.J., Hawker, C.J. and Kim, B.S.
ACS Macro Letters,
Arroyo-Currás, N., Somerson, J., Vieira, P., Ploense, K., Kippin, T. and Plaxco, K.W.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science,
Simon, A.J., Walls-Smith, L.T., Freddi, M., Fong, F.Y., Gubala, V. and Plaxco, K.W.
ACS Nano,
Drawert, B., Hellander, A., Bales, B., Banerjee, D., Bellesia, G., Daigle, Jr., B. J., Douglas, G., Gu, M., Gupta, A., Hellander, S., Horuk, C., Nath, D., Takkar, A., Wu, S., Lötstedt, P., Krintz, C. and Petzold, L. R.
PLoS Computational Biology,
Drawert, B., Hellander, S., Trogdon, M., Yi, T-M. and Petzold, L.
Journal of Chemical Physics,
Ho, S.H. and Tirrell, D.A.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
Li, H., Arroyo-Currás, N., Kang, D., Ricci, F. and Plaxco, K.W.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
Pester, C.W., Narupai, B., Mattson, K.M., Bothman, D.P., Klinger, D., Lee, K.W., Discekici, E.H. and Hawker, C.J.
Advanced Materials,
Davison, E.N., Turner, B.O., Schlesinger, K.J., Miller, M.B., Grafton, S.T., Bassett, D.S. and Carlson, J.M.
PLoS Computational Biology,
Daupin-Ducharme, P. and Plaxco, K. W.
Analytical Chemistry,
Peng, X., Gilmore, S.P. and O’Malley, M.A.
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering,